A notice posted on the wall.

A notice posted on the wall.

Postby The Nameless Fury » Mon Jan 23, 2012 2:19 am

Posted on the wall of the tavern is a notice.

"To whom is may concern,

For those of you who where with us this past Saturday at the tavern revelry there was a great deal of talk. The main issue that we spoke of was forming a new social club with a grand and exquisite purpose for those of us who have settled here. Though we made some great progress that first night there is still much to be determined and to that end I will be setting up several discussions over the next several weeks to get as much done as we can before our next formal meeting that I imagine will happen in march. The only rule of entry for these meetings is that you must be in current good standing with the people of town. If you have any question on what was discussed or if you should be attending these meetings please either seek me out or send me a message.

Thank you,

The Professor"
No, just Professor.
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The Nameless Fury
Joined: Mon Jun 22, 2009 4:31 pm
Location: The Shunned House

Re: A notice posted on the wall.

Postby littlebluefae » Wed Feb 15, 2012 5:04 pm

-scrawled underneath-

So, where can one *find* these discussions, as it has been a few weeks? - L.O.R.E. 1139
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Joined: Tue May 04, 2010 9:17 pm

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