The professor walks into the club looking sore and disheveled. "My friends what we have seen today will change our world. How it effects us will depend on how we choose to treat this new knowledge I seek to come to an understanding and as such have quickly looked over the creation record as given in the book of Phenex. I present the following please understand that I am tired and hope to revise this many times with input from everybody. I implore you to read with an open mind and I beg your help we must understand both what it happening and how it will effect us."He then lays down a paper and goes to get a drink from the bar.
The paper reads:
For our contiued survival and to form a better understanding of the world and our place in it I have taken some moments to take note of creation as written by the book of phenex and how that might have changed.
Creation, as Recorded in the Book of Phenex
1...Yea, for though the heavens are wide, and the seas are deep,
still there is no room large enough, no vault high enough, to
contain the ambition of Humanity. And Humanity walked as all the
other angels did, among the stars and beneath the seas, and in the
person of Phenex. For Phenex was the first among angels, and all
of Humanity is descended from Phenex, who walked among the stars
and beneath the waves.
1. This feels fairly obviouse it states that we walked in the person of Phenex but it seems that was more literal. Walking among the stars is fairly obviouse as well. Though I am unsure about being under the waves.
2...And the Almighty in Glory spake unto ... ness in my stead, and
...learn to hold ... <Original text damaged>
2. Unknown relevence
3...And Phenex brought with him his brothers, Agares, the Hand of
Judgment, and Raum, the Hand of Knowledge. And the three traveled
to the Greater Deeps, and therein the voices of demons called to
Phenex, and enticed him, and drove him mad.
3. There are three ships one of knowledge staffed with scientests who we would see as powerfull in both tecnology and magic. One of judgment filled with what I dont know but it could be an army or government. One that has no name but referes to the other two as hands it could be the body filled with thoes nessisary for survival but not needed to hold land. Or possibly the leaders as it seems the ship Phenex had control over the others. Once more referance to seeming water are had but I am not sure why.
4...And the three Angels came upon the land and found it wicked,
and full of demons and abominations. Phenex, in his madness,
played sweet music, and set Agares to sleep. Raum he cast down
upon a high mountain.
4. The ships came upon Ayos but seeing it inhabited knew that they would have to clear it. The ship of phenex or thoes who have inhabited it are having some sort of issue and put the ship of judgment into some sleep mode. The ship of knowledge was placed on a high mountain possibly to give it a safe place to work possibly as a mistake.
5...And the madness lifted from Phenex, and he saw what he had
wrought, and he wept.
5. Relevance unknown
6...In the depths of his sorrow, Phenex threw himself upon the
land, as he had cast his brother Raum, and was mortally wounded.
6. The ship phenex weather by choice or design crashed into the planet.
7...Seeing the abominations upon the land, Phenex used his
lifeblood and the clay of the land and created Adephon, the first
of Humanity.
7. Phenex using reasorces both from the planet and from the ship becane to create people. This is a technology we have seen before used by the outlanders. Beings with a great deal of science and technology one of whom was recognized by the ship by name perhaps they have found a way to greatly extend there lifespan.
8...And Phenex spake unto Adephon, saying 'Thou art of the blood
of angels, and it is thy task to cleanse this land with the fires
of Heaven, to cleanse it and to make it good.' And Phenex died.
8. The ship who we heard could speak gave an order to clear out the land with fires of heaven possibly a reference to some advanced weaponry. The ship then shutdown.
9...And the Almighty in Glory saw what Phenex had done, and sent a
dream to Adephon. In the dream, Adephon heard a Voice from the
stars, and the voice said, 'You are of the blood of angels, but
you are not an angel. You are imperfect and flawed, the product
of wickedness and madness.'
9. The almighty in glory an unknown entity sent deams to Adephon another thing we have seen before in several townsfolks. This voice made it clear that he was not truly of the western empire but was a mix of this world and that.
10...And Adephon wept to hear.
10. No relevence
11...And the Voice continued, saying 'And yet there is hope, for
thou hast in you the fires of Heaven, and can cleanse the world of
all that is evil. And should thou do this, thou and thine
children should be as the angels, and can come to serve as My
highest of servants, higher than the angels, for thou wilt have
chosen the light and the fire for thine own.'
11.Once more the fire of heaven is mentioned as being able to help the world. We are given an option to be more that the race from the Western empire. We will have taken there tecnology for our own.
If this is true and correct then perhaps thoes of the Western empire are angry that we seek to take there place. Perhaps they needed a working communications array that they might get word to the ship of judgment and awaken it and call it down upon us. Perhaps we helped them.