The Miners Pilght

Re: The Miners Pilght

Postby Wolfman2006 » Wed Aug 11, 2010 5:25 pm

Father Sahaal listens attentively to the various speakers in turn, smirking slightly at Emily's subdued reaction.

Turning toward Leander his expression is once again one of suspicious speculation that fails to hide the priest's own agreement.
"Agreed, Baron Warrick. We know not what delves in the depths, it would not be wise to disturb whatever may lie dwell there. For the time being it should be a priority to gain the local's trust, and prevent antagonizing them when possible. Strange is it not, at how alike I am finding our reasoning... "

Addressing those present
"I have already dabbled with attempting to learn more about the nature of some of these local thugs and ruffians. And intend to do so when possible if it means saving any innocents from their crimes, as well as the low-lives themselves from a violent death. Simply killing them is such a waste of life and potential. Sometimes by simply speaking to some one however briefly you open so many more doors".

Turning to face Mr. Beckett
"Ah, and Mr. Beckett, No disrespect intended, and I mean to not imply you are being dishonest or that you are not a man of your word. But it will require more than your word for me to stay my hand, should I witness your personal physician or anyone for that matter: murder innocent people in public. Lord Auldway may feel that the Black Trumps and the other gangs are to0 dangerous to be allowed to live. Frontier Justice? Justifiable punishment? I don't care what you call it: Murder is still Murder. If I witness a gang member assault someone, I will not hesitate to stop them. If they are killed during the fight, it was their own fault. However if they lay defeated or subdued and someone executes them in such a state, that is inexcusable."

"I understand that tough times call for tough measures, but there is a line ladies and gentlemen. It is a fine line, difficult to see at times, but it is there none the less. And I will be damned before I cross it willingly. And any of you who seriously are considering simply killing someone for petty theft, or allegedly being sketchy... your own souls shall be forfeit. That and as far as I am concerned you are just another murderer who will kill again... thus a danger to us all, a danger that must be dealt with..."

Serious expression fading and growing into a smile, he looks directly at Miss Thatcher.
"Now that was a threat little Emily, in case we are still having trouble understanding the difference."
The Lord Solomon Sahaal of Loreard, Consort to the Queen
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Re: The Miners Pilght

Postby Emily Alice Thatcher » Thu Aug 12, 2010 1:23 pm

Sucking in a quick breath and locking eyes with the brown-clad monk, clearly stinging from that last jab, the mechanic turns slightly red as she begins in a voice that sounds like it might escalate: "Alright now, listen. I said I would..." but then she stops suddenly.

She casts her blue eyes across the room and catches the eye of a silent Pastor Talbot. After a few seconds of silence, she audibly shuts her mouth with a click of her teeth and leans back on her bench. She takes another deep breath and then begins again in a temperate voice.

"Now, there's no need to be catty, Father."
Emily Alice Thatcher, formerly Private Thomas Thatcher of the King's Navy
Master Mechanic, Novice Surgeon, and Scientist Extraordinaire.
"She can fix everything but broken hearts."
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Re: The Miners Pilght

Postby Wolfman2006 » Thu Aug 12, 2010 4:52 pm

Smiling and clearly enjoying the situation
"No I suppose not, forgive me. I simply wished to emphasize the sincerity of my words. Wouldn't want an unpleasant misunderstanding to take place. You have shown me its best to clarify my intentions to avoid such potential unfortunate scenarios."
The Lord Solomon Sahaal of Loreard, Consort to the Queen
Acolyte of the Scion of Masks
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Re: The Miners Pilght

Postby Emily Alice Thatcher » Thu Aug 12, 2010 6:12 pm

The look on the mechanic's face implies that she is catching on that this is just a game, and an enjoyable one at that, to the priest. Her mouth begins it's slow ascent into a grin (one that is not all fun-and-games, but not absent of it, either) and then she tosses her hair over one shoulder with a flick of her neck.

"Clarify to whom? 'Simple little Emily,' or to everyone?" Her words carry with them the echo of spite, yet one can tell that she is legitimately curious.
Emily Alice Thatcher, formerly Private Thomas Thatcher of the King's Navy
Master Mechanic, Novice Surgeon, and Scientist Extraordinaire.
"She can fix everything but broken hearts."
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Re: The Miners Pilght

Postby Wolfman2006 » Thu Aug 12, 2010 10:33 pm

Brow narrowing slightly at her sudden change, the priest's eyes fail to hide the calculating thoughts that are flaring behind his smiling face.

"To whom you ask? Anyone who wishes to hear my charity based warning. I thought it best though to mention you specifically, for fear of enduring another outburst and tantrum. I should think I have made that abundantly clear. "

Rolling his eyes somewhat the priest then returns to the assembled group.

"Regardless of anyone's opinion regarding policy, an old standby should still prove to be our most effective weapon to combat the situation properly. Information: Knowledge is power is the old proverb, one I live by. Perhaps it would be wise to share our collective knowledge of what we do know regarding these underground criminals?"
The Lord Solomon Sahaal of Loreard, Consort to the Queen
Acolyte of the Scion of Masks
High-Arch-Heretic, The Fallen one
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Re: The Miners Pilght

Postby Gregor » Sat Aug 14, 2010 6:30 pm

A hand shoots up from the corner of the room, and a driver caped clad man stands up excitedly. Gregor's horribly disfigured face sheens with eagerness and he looks at Father Sahaal expectantly.

Upon being on the receiving end of Father Sahaal's annoyed glare, he speaks up with earnest.

"I have some knowledge on a local gang. They wear an armband, Red: I think."

Pausing and looking over the room intently, he speaks up with enormous accomplishment and pride.

"And when Doctor Cobb shoots them in the face, they don't object to me taking their hats!"

Gregor looks around expectantly for his clearly well deserved praise.
Sahaal's Faithful Servant, Freelance Physician, Academic Extraordinar, Bride to be? And Greyhooks Longest Serving Deputy

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Re: The Miners Pilght

Postby Molly Mayweather » Sun Aug 29, 2010 6:20 pm

A few minutes ago, Molly had brightly stepped in to the Club with every dream resting on the hope of a quick bite to eat. Quite a crowd had gathered so she didn't think service would be especially fast for her measly few coins and grubby appearance. With a pouting sigh she turned to sit on one side of the room out of the way when she caught the last of Father Sahaal's comments. Molly took one look at the austere faces around the room and knew exactly what this conversation was about since this was the buzz of the town. She made a face as if she had taken a bite of a particularly unpleasant onion. "Bleck, boring! Best leave this business to higher folk," she muttered very quietly to no one in particular, possibly to her wrench, while Gregor was speaking and slipped out the side door.
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Re: The Miners Pilght

Postby aryk the dark » Sat Sep 04, 2010 6:08 pm

"Ladies and Gentlemen" Said SSGT. Koslov in a strangely assertive voice, "we must contact the alden government since it is there colony. we may be confronted by resistance, but we should insist on there military cooperation. whether we want to admit it or not we are at war with dark and evil forces." Vlad then walks towards Emily and whispers "we need to talk" in a soft voice. "now if you'll excuse me i must return to the barracks " says Vlad as he leaves towards the barracks.
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