A Phenxian and a Shield walk into a bar

Re: A Phenxian and a Shield walk into a bar

Postby Marcellus » Wed May 19, 2010 3:47 pm

Marcellus breezes into the room, and stands in the doorway, as if looking for someone. Spying Pastor Talbot and Father Sahaal his expression brightens and he wanders over in time to see Emily stumbling away from the table.

"I hope I'm not interrupting you gentlemen." Marcellus quips warmly. "I am at a moral crossroads and would welcome alternate points of view." Marcellus pauses "That may have sounded a bit more melodramatic than I'd intended." Marcellus runs his fingers through his beard.
Last edited by Marcellus on Wed May 19, 2010 10:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Phenxian and a Shield walk into a bar

Postby Wolfman2006 » Wed May 19, 2010 10:14 pm

Half under his breath the priest mutters to himself, eyes narrowing at Emily
“Spirited, but foolishly direct…”

Looking over towards the approaching Mr. Becket, Father Sahaal gives a genuine smile.
“Not at all, Mr. Becket, not at all, a pleasure to see you again. Please sit down, how may I be of service to you? I must say I am out of my element for a confession, but I would be happy to aid you with any moral dilemma you may be faced with.”
The Lord Solomon Sahaal of Loreard, Consort to the Queen
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Re: A Phenxian and a Shield walk into a bar

Postby Marcellus » Wed May 19, 2010 10:52 pm

Marcellus grins as he takes a seat. He seems like a tea kettle that is about to bubble over in excitement over some secret he is struggling to contain.

"I have been in discussions with one of my engineers, who is a fellow Phenexian and he had an idea for a particular ballistic device. We've been discussing the technical aspects all day and have reached an impasse."

"We think it would work, but what we propose could potentially be found unsettling by some few. So I will preface my question with a different question. The ultimate purpose of the fire of Phenex, which is to say the fire that is in each and every one of us, is to be used to cleanse the evil from this world, would you say that is accurate?"

Marcellus clicks his tongue as he looks distractedly towards a window where something catches his eye before returning his gaze to the men at the table.
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Re: A Phenxian and a Shield walk into a bar

Postby Wolfman2006 » Wed May 19, 2010 11:07 pm

Looking puzzled at the question
"That is the sacred task the Almighty has blessed us with, yes. It could be said very much so that it is both our purpose, thus by implication the purpose of our divine ancestry as well."

Looking somewhat suspicious
"what is it you have conceived Mr. Becket?
The Lord Solomon Sahaal of Loreard, Consort to the Queen
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Re: A Phenxian and a Shield walk into a bar

Postby Marcellus » Thu May 20, 2010 12:04 am

"Our skill with steel and fire is unmatched at BSI. However I have already encountered two dangerous creatures in the wilds that standard rounds simply didn't have enough punch to deal with. If we are to claim the wilds as our own it is a moral imperative that we do what we can to arm settlers appropriately. I have plans in place for enhanced munitions, charged with the faith and fervour of our most sacred task. I call them... and this is my little joke... Hallowed Point Rounds.

They'd be a powerful weapon for the masses and frankly, not a bad earner for armies in Elenzio and Alden."
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Re: A Phenxian and a Shield walk into a bar

Postby Emily Alice Thatcher » Thu May 20, 2010 12:06 am

Emily's head snaps up at the mention of "ballistics." She does not interrupt again, but listens silently from across the room.
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Re: A Phenxian and a Shield walk into a bar

Postby Wolfman2006 » Thu May 20, 2010 12:37 am

"A very clever idea, while I will not pretend to have the slightest interest or knowledge in the mechanical school of thought, I did have a similar idea myself: of producing blessed bullets. I only lacked a dedicated mechanic with the resources needed to make such an idea a reality. We have some mutual work ahead of us I should think. Please do keep me involved with this project of yours Mr, Becket. I am very interested in making this a reality."

Looking far more cheerful than his traditional demeanor, the Priest seems very keen to the idea presented to him.

"This deserves some celebration I should think: Come Mr. Becket, allow me to buy you a drink, I think you have earned a drink on the Church's behalf today. They will be most interested to hear how this little project progresses, just imagine the possibilities! Another potential weapon for humanity to eradicate our foes who dwell in the Darkness.
The Lord Solomon Sahaal of Loreard, Consort to the Queen
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Re: A Phenxian and a Shield walk into a bar

Postby Ethan Talbot » Thu May 20, 2010 12:54 am

*Pastor Talbot smiles at Mr. beckett and gives an appreciative nod to his play on words before speaking*

"Such a thing would be outstandin' but there's more to the fire than simply scourging those who stand against us, it's... it's bringing the light to dark places and showing people the good that can be done, however.. I have to say the idea of 'hallowed points' intrigues me though, righteousnes in every round...'
Pastor Ethan Talbot, Shield of Chayodyne
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Re: A Phenxian and a Shield walk into a bar

Postby Marcellus » Thu May 20, 2010 10:19 am

Marcellus regards Pastor Talbot and puts on a serious look as he discusses the nature of the fire.

"I agree with you Pastor, but arming a man properly is the same as giving him hope. He can stand against the darkness with a clear mind. Just ask any soldier who shoulders one of my rifles."

Marcellus cracks his knuckles, without taking his eyes off Ethan.

"As far as I'm concerned the darkest places that yet remain are outside the very cities we call home. It's our intention to tame a wild and deadly frontier so that future generations may prosper in the light of Phenex."
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Re: A Phenxian and a Shield walk into a bar

Postby The Nameless Fury » Thu May 20, 2010 6:58 pm

"Clear minds certainly seem to be in short supply here in Greyhook." He glances up from one of the many tables a book titled "Captain Spinderhawk Vs. The Sky Kraken" in hand. "Many here suffer greatly from the dangers presented by the wilds. As well as other sources." He glances to the large doors shaking his head slightly. "We must help to fortify those of the area not only in body but mind as well."
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