The Miners Pilght

Re: The Miners Pilght

Postby Wolfman2006 » Wed Aug 04, 2010 10:37 pm

The Priest appears mildly surprised but unconcerned at Dr. Cobb's appearance. He smirks at his words before uttering his own.
"Yes, making a difference. I am sure that somewhere out there exists a still sealed bottle of spirits. But I fear naught; for with you bearing this responsibility and task there can be no doubt of the outcome. Phenex be praised that we have one such as you to rely on, should we find ourselves with too much alcohol to be consumed in one or even several sittings."

Turning his back on the Doctor, he once again address's the others gathered before him.
"In regards to the Constable from what I can gather and have been told, he seems to be a perfectly competent and reasonable fellow. That does not forgive his lapses of success, but while possible that he may not be... trusted. I think that it is simply a case of one man trying to be everywhere at once. Greyhook while not large by comparison, still boasts a significant population for but a single man to manage and enforce. I can't speak for his absence, however. Though other than not knowing where he is specifically at this moment do we even know if he is indeed absent?"
The Lord Solomon Sahaal of Loreard, Consort to the Queen
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Re: The Miners Pilght

Postby Dr. Ryan Cobb » Wed Aug 04, 2010 11:37 pm

Doctor Cobb chuckles. He tips his hat to Pastor Talbot and the gathered doctors, and makes his exit.
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Re: The Miners Pilght

Postby Project 424 » Fri Aug 06, 2010 5:07 pm

424 steps forward from where she had been recharging from her dynamo. She makes a faint sound and speaks in a polite tone. "Please forgive me for interrupting Gentlemen. The existing law enforcement department was extremely over burdened, as is common in Alden. Also, the police building had been burned to the ground at the beginning of the summer. At this time, I am not sure if the Constable survived."

She pauses for a moment and gestures towards her dynamo, which is still faintly glowing with empheric blue light. "Also, in early spring, we were visited by Inspector 153. Who's mission was to find a murderer. He had expressed interest in coming back to Greyhook in a more permanent capacity."

Another brief pause as if carefully choosing the correct words to use. "Dr. Sinclair, I wish to make Greyhook as peaceful and lawful a locale as is possible. But before we can do that, we need laws to uphold. Currently, Greyhook is under the pervue of Alden. Are those the laws we wish to uphold? Or should we come up with and vote on our own laws?"
Time will tell.
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Re: The Miners Pilght

Postby Wolfman2006 » Fri Aug 06, 2010 8:41 pm

"Does Alden's influence still extend this far? I was under the impression that after they withdrew, Greyhook was no longer recognized as part of their territory. Alden aside though, am I being to presumptuous to assume that Lord Auldaway has his own laws in place that the Constable was charged with upholding and enforcing? I think we may be getting a little ahead of ourselves to take it upon us to simply decide what the laws are to be."
The Lord Solomon Sahaal of Loreard, Consort to the Queen
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Re: The Miners Pilght

Postby Baron Peppers » Fri Aug 06, 2010 9:12 pm

Looking up from his drink with interest, the Baron picks up his top hat and places it on his head with practiced grace and rises from his seat before speaking.

"I was under the impression that this isolated hamlet is under Aldian Law. And that not one of you commoners has the authority or right to decide the laws or customs. To my knowledge there are but three individuals besides myself who have any legitimacy or claim to push forward new laws on Alden's behalf."

"To keep the stability and structure it is unwise to so radically change tradition. Such things are in place for a reason, just look at what happened to the Divine Camleone Empire. Bloodshed, anarchy, treason, and on the brink of a new civil war... Everywhere else? Fine, running smoothly and without problems. You remove the power from the Nobility and place it in the unpracticed and ill prepared hands of the commoners... Was I the only one who was not surprised at the outcome?"

"I have already turned a blind eye thrice to unjustifiable violent crimes, out of respect for a nameless Noble. Action shall be taken if I witness such unprovoked violence again. If you all must indulge yourself in bloodshed, do it elsewhere lest you drag my good name down with your barbarism."

Taking a more relaxed posture before addressing with 424
"What exactly happened to the Constable's office? Do you know what took place or who was responsible? Do you know if anyone has been granted authority in his stead and absence?
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Re: The Miners Pilght

Postby Emily Alice Thatcher » Sat Aug 07, 2010 7:34 pm

A flash of fire shines in her blue eyes as Emily snaps her head around, having heard the Baron speak.

"Oh is that so?"

Running a slightly shaking hand through her thick brown hair, she readjusts herself on the bench she is sitting on so that she can properly address Peppers. One black booted leg crosses the other as she begins to speak, her tone slightly different than it has been for some time. One would almost call it passionate, if they didn't know her.

"*You* are one of the only ones who have the authority to act on Alden's behalf? Alden? Is that so? What in the name of Phenex makes you think you have that right? You are from Elenzio, are you not?" At that last, her eyes flash cold and piercingly at the nobleman. "Yes. You are. I know for a fact you are." She crosses her arms over her chest in bitter and open defience of everything she had ever been brought up to respect.

"Oh, and as for us *commoners*, the ones who can't fend for themselves without crumbling into anarchy and destruction, watch who you group together, Peppers. I am a veteran in the Royal Aldenese Navy and I *will not* be treated with such disrespect as you insist on doling out." She is red in the cheeks and her pulse is racing, as is evident from a particularly solid vein in her neck.

"Now. What exactly do you think you're talking about, if indeed you think at all?"
Emily Alice Thatcher, formerly Private Thomas Thatcher of the King's Navy
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Re: The Miners Pilght

Postby Leander Warrick » Sat Aug 07, 2010 11:31 pm

Leander sighs loudly as he sits up from the lounge area. "This really is a moot point, and frankly I've had enough of this pointless squabbling. None of us have the right to make laws, because laws are already in place. We are all just visitors to the area, or if we are residents, we are a small and new faction of them. The people of Greyhook have their owns laws that they follow. Whether these laws are their own or are the laws of Alden is not our concern, our concern should be following the laws they have set in place." Walking over to the group he sits down and leans back.

"As far as acts of violence and the like, enough is enough. I agree with Baron Peppers on this matter. Violent acts because of disease are one thing, fighting for one's life or miscommunication another. However, I will not stand by and let those who feel they can wantonly act in this place go unchallenged. Those who have committed crimes should be tried for them, those who commit crimes should be tried for those. Greyhook seems to have dissolved into chaos already, and we have been here scarcely 4 months. "

The Baron turns to Emily and raises an eyebrow. "I believe Baron Peppers was referring to the fact that there are only a few people in Greyhook currently who have the authority to attempt to make new laws, not that he personally had the authority from Alden. And although I do not agree with his views upon things such as The Divine Camleon Empire, you should not speak so brashly to those in positions of power. I do not disagree that you deserve respect, but you should be careful who you say such things to. There are those who would not stand for such speech."

Taking a deep breath, Leander looks at those around him. "Now, we should all calm down and take a deep breath."
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Re: The Miners Pilght

Postby Wolfman2006 » Sun Aug 08, 2010 1:05 am

Watching both Baron Peppers dramatic scene, and Emily's outburst that followed it, the brown robed priest seems amused. When Leander speaks he looks fairly surprised, nodding approvingly.

"Well spoken Baron Warrick, you summed that up nicely I should think. Odd this may very well be the first time I have found myself agreeing with with anything to emerge from that wretched fanged mouth of yours. Regardless of whose laws their are, they are the laws that we must abide to. And as Vespe... *ahem * Baron Peppers and Baron Warrick have so finely said the criminal violence must no longer be tolerated. Laws or not, I will not sit idly by as those who may very well be innocent men are assaulted or killed for allegedly being suspicious."

Almost as if an after thought he gives Emily a second glance.
"oh and miss Emily, you may never again hear me say this but that does not mean the words are any less potent. I would take Baron Warrick's advice to heart, it is very unwise to provoke someone who is in a position to make your life difficult..."
The Lord Solomon Sahaal of Loreard, Consort to the Queen
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Re: The Miners Pilght

Postby Dr. Sinclair » Sun Aug 08, 2010 6:54 am

Dr. Sinclair watches everything unfold right in front of him. he then takes a sip of water and waits for a lull in the conversation. "im sorry everyone i did not mean to turn this into a whole debate. when i herd the news about whats happing to the miners, i leaped into action. Of course when i tried to convey the news. my passion of helping people got in the way and thus made this." he stands up from his chair. "also there were other factors that play into this. one is the unsightly horrors the we sometimes unleashed into the world and we cant do anything about it untill we fix it later on. Two the miners plight hit home personaly and i wanted to do something about it. of course i would follow the laws and go threw the proper channels. i dont expect me or anyone to take the law in there own hands or think they are above it." he takes a breath collecting his thoughts "again everyone im sorry about that."
Dr. Cornelius Sinclair M.D.
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Re: The Miners Pilght

Postby Leander Warrick » Sun Aug 08, 2010 12:20 pm

After rolling his eyes slightly as Father Sahaal references his fanged mouth, Leander nods to him. "Thank you, Father." Turning towards Doctor Sinclair he sighs. "I know that you were simply informing the town about the miners, and the issues really have nothing to do with your attempts to inform the town. These issues have been boiling under the surfaces for quite some time, waiting for the correct time to spill over. I agree that we should help these miners, and finding the cause of their recent injuries would likely be the first step to truly helping them. Treating their wounds is important but it really doesn't solve anything except help them survive another day."
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