On innocence

Re: On innocence

Postby Wolfman2006 » Mon Oct 04, 2010 11:02 pm

Father Sahaal's eyes narrow and his mouth remains agape for a moment, before he shuts it grinding his teeth. He seems stuck between annoyance and flat anger at his retainer. Without looking at him he address's him tonelessly and so rapidly that the statement may have been a prepared one.

"Gregor! The heretic Tree outside the tavern is back, Smite it in the name of our lord! And do not return until it has been smitten properly this time."

Looking back at Miss Mayweather, he can't hide his aggravation at dealing with such a minion. His voice looses its edge and toneless monotone of his command, and a more personal touch replaces it.

"Miss Mayweather I must apologize for my retainer. Since his.... rebirth he has failed to grasp simple concepts such as empathy or polite behavior. Be aware he understands naught what he says, he has made progress but it has been slow... and wearisome. Please do not allow his ignorance and foolishness to effect you anymore than it already has. Please go on if you are comfortable, if I can help you it is my wish to do so."

And with a brief glance at his rotting faced retainer
"And in a moment, I can assure you he will be busy locked in fierce combat with the tree for some time."
The Lord Solomon Sahaal of Loreard, Consort to the Queen
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Re: On innocence

Postby Gregor » Mon Oct 04, 2010 11:12 pm

*Gregor can't comprehend why Molly Mayweather seemed against taking items from a dead thing which clearly has no more use for it. Before Gregor has too much time to think he hears the command from Father Sahaal. Gregor immediately shoots to his feet eager to start his new and oddly recurring mission of attacking a large, heretic tree.*

"I'm on it Father! I don't know how the tree keeps returning to life, but worry not! I will once again smite it!"

*Gregor then runs out of the tavern with a pistol in one hand and a sword in the other*
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Re: On innocence

Postby Ethan Talbot » Mon Oct 04, 2010 11:37 pm

"Evenin' Miss 424, Miss Raven good to see you in high spirits tonight." *The Pastor watches as Gregor bolts out the door past him, curious he looks outside to see the faithful servant dutifully accomplishing his task, after a moment of confused starring he approaches Father Sahaal and Ms. Merryweather carefully are in a quiet voice.*

"Uhhh Father Sahaal, your assistant is doing battle with an oak tree outside, he's losing."
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Re: On innocence

Postby Sheriff 005 » Mon Oct 04, 2010 11:51 pm

The pile of brass and iron that is 005 shudders to life in the corner.

Hold on just a darn minute. Miss, did you juss confess ta murderin someone? A nice girl like you? What is wrong with this here town!? Even if you did it not like anything will happen.....(Mumble, mumble)

005 slowly winds down to a nearly shutdown state again in the corner.
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Re: On innocence

Postby Wolfman2006 » Tue Oct 05, 2010 12:08 am

Getting clearly frustrated at the continuous distractions, the priest softly shakes his head as if to shed his annoyance and aggravation.

"Yes, I am aware of his activities, his poor progress while disappointing is just as unsurprising. Pastor Talbot if you would be so kind as to do me a favor and ensure no one gets caught in the crossfire of the battle of epic proportions outside? I would not be able to forgive myself if a stray bullet hit some poor passerby, but another matter of significant importance is occupying my attention for the time being."

The Priest gives Pastor Talbot a distinctive look, as if some unheard message was clearly passed between them.

With an annoyed glare at the Automata in the corner, the Priest lowers his voice and almost kindly address's Miss Mayweather once more.

"As I said do not heed the words of the ignorant, what truly matters is your righteous feelings of regret and remorse."
Last edited by Wolfman2006 on Tue Oct 05, 2010 12:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
The Lord Solomon Sahaal of Loreard, Consort to the Queen
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Re: On innocence

Postby Ethan Talbot » Tue Oct 05, 2010 12:13 am

*Pastor Talbot looks as if he's about to say something but looks down at Ms. Merryweather and back to Sahaal, nodding back in an odd moment of quiet understanding and sighs*

"Of course... but i'm not liftin' that tree if it falls on his head!"

*Pastor Talbot looks outside for a moment giggling to himself smiles at Raven and the others as he heads back to the door.*

"Aaaaaaand the squirrels have joined the fray, anyone taking bets?"
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Re: On innocence

Postby Molly Mayweather » Tue Oct 05, 2010 9:20 am

Sheriff 005 struck a chord in Molly--she drew herself in with fists clutching parts of her hair. The accusation went over her like nails on a chalkboard, and a little pained moan escaped her. She stayed that way for an agonizing minute and missed the exchange between the holy men, then breathed herself to calm again. "I did it after they gave me the silver star, but it doesn't make me feel any better. Please, Father, tell me what I need to do," she pleaded with her hands clasped half in earnest, half in prayer.
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Re: On innocence

Postby Project 424 » Tue Oct 05, 2010 9:41 am

424 listens to the exchange before her. Her silver eyes narrow at Gregor's outburst, then also at 005's accusation.

She pauses in her knitting, setting it aside and rises, moving over to the Molly. Gently, the silver woman lowers herself onto the bench beside the girl offering a embrace of support. This is all done quietly, slowly and without a word thus avoiding another disruption in the conversation between the girl and the priest further.
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Re: On innocence

Postby Wolfman2006 » Tue Oct 05, 2010 12:08 pm

The look of exasperation retreats from the monk's face, and he nods at 424 approvingly.

"Miss Mayweather traditionally such thing are done in private, within the sanctity of a proper church. However as Greyhook's recently acquired chapel is not finished with it's renovations as of yet, we will improvise for the time being. The most important aspect in the seeking of redemption and penance you already have, the desire for it, and the will to make it happen. It doesn't matter what I say or do, if you are not willing to pursue your cleansing of sin, then it will not happen."

Father Sahaal opens the off green pouch on his hip, attached to his simple rope belt. He pulls out a leather bound bible and places it in front of him with care.

"Such things take time Miss Mayweather, do not expect immediate gratification and forgiveness, but with time and dedication you can expect the Almighty's forgiveness about the same time you are able to forgive yourself. That is something that is often forgotten in the pursuit of penance, its not just the Almighty's that must be sought, your own acceptance is needed too."

He opens the holy book and gently but swiftly flips through the pages intently, stopping at a specific page.

"As the privacy off a proper Church of Phenex is not available at this time, I will leave you with these prayers. Learn them, let your mind dwell on them, and if and when you feel ready we can continue in time."

He places a finger on a line on the page and begins to read, his voice returning to a more neutral tone of practiced prayer.

"Photo Ex Skotos
In nomen Phenex quod Omnipotens
Vindico mihi ex malum salus
Indulgeo mihi sins quod recipero mihi Penitentia"

"To have Faith is to have purpose, and purpose in life is what defines a man, and makes him steadfast and resolute. Faith keeps him true, and even in the darkest hours, illuminates him like a candle flame. Faith guides him surely, from birth to the grave. It shows him the path, and prevents him from straying into the lightless thickets where insanity awaits. To loose Faith is to loose purpose, and to be bereft of guidance. For a man without Faith will no longer be true, and a mind without purpose will walk Dark places."

Looking at Miss Mayweather intently his voice drops to a near whisper
"Your adamant desire for forgiveness and redemption speaks of your Faith, never loose sight of it, and embrace it, so that it may serve as a guide and light your way in the darkest of hours."
The Lord Solomon Sahaal of Loreard, Consort to the Queen
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Re: On innocence

Postby Molly Mayweather » Tue Oct 05, 2010 4:51 pm

Comforted by 424's presence, Molly leaned a bit into her metal body while she listened to Father Sahaal. Even though she was paying very close attention, it was clear that some of it might be over her head, particularly the part where Sahaal slipped into the language of the Church. But lack of understanding didn't quell her concentration. When he was finished, her features settled into a look of determination that seemed... too old for her, and she upside-down-copied the foreign words from Father Sahaal's book--with only a few misspellings--onto the paper that used to be a letter to her parents. Then she folded it and shoved it into a pocket with a nod.

"I'll hold the candle in the dark as long as I need to, if that's what it takes," Molly replied quietly. In a kind of 'release from duty', the girl reached across the table for Sahaal's hand, saying, "Thank you, Father," and gave it a small squeeze before letting go. She even smiled a bit. "And thank you for being right there, Four-Two-Four," she continued, tipping her head back to glance at the automata upside-down in a much more Molly-like gesture.
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