Father Sahaal is seen walking into the tavern. His retainer Gregor follows him dutifully, and is unusually quiet, and looks as serious as his disfigured face is capable of. The priest walks up to the notice board scroll in hand and tacks the paper to the wall. The letter reads:
Followers of Chayodyne heed this warning. The Church has been more than tolerant of your kind and your practices. But an attack on an Inquisitor of the blessed Etymarchy will not be ignored. Anyone willing to provide information and cooperate with this investigation should seek out Inquisitor Sahaal. For the rest of you, the cleansing fire of absolution does not show nearly as much mercy as you have been shown thus far...
Photo Ex Skotos
The Inquisitor's face remains impassive and disturbingly calm until he speaks. His expression changes to one of fury and passion and his voice echoes with dangerous anger as he speaks to any inside.
"Consider the times of passivity and tolerance over. Assassins entered my home in the night with the intention of claiming my life. Chayodyne Shields were the culprits and this attack on the Church, and myself personally. While I have stated my... opinions regarding the Chayodyne order, I have refrained from violence. That truce has been shattered by the heretics of the Chayodyne order, thus I offer this as the first and only warning I shall give. Retribution shall be sought, and if anyone wishes to ebb the flow of blood that shall be reaped... this is your only chance. Either aid me in finding those responsible, stay out of the Etymarchy's way, or if you have ties with the Chayodyne order surrender yourself into my custody for questioning and purification or start praying for absolution."