Cold Turkey

Cold Turkey

Postby Morganstern » Thu May 21, 2009 1:37 pm

All this talk about Hindrances made me think:

Would it be possible to remove a hindrance at a later date through roleplaying and paying back the CP gained? i.e. Nicholai sobers up for a while and then pays 1 CP to be cured of his addiction, or someone with Consumption works hard to find a cure, burning 2 CP to be rid of the disease when plot informs them that their research bears fruit?

Nicholai Mikhailovich Petryov
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Re: Cold Turkey

Postby Sparrow Harper » Thu May 21, 2009 1:57 pm

along the same line of the above questioning, is it also possible to add hindrances at a later time? or say they have levels, are we allowed to up the level at a later point?


Sparrow Harper
Joined: Mon May 11, 2009 4:46 pm

Re: Cold Turkey

Postby Matt » Thu May 21, 2009 2:05 pm

We are in fact working out the details of a system very much like what you described. It would involve the player approaching us to indicate he wished to get rid of his hindrance and then taking proper in-game actions to cure himself of his ills, followed by paying the requisite CP cost.

What the in-game action is would obviously depend on the hindrance involved. On the low end, Addiction might be cured by an event or two of going cold turkey. On the other end of the spectrum, getting rid of Hunted might involve collecting pieces of an artifact, assembling it, and then convincing all the other players to come help you slay your Hunter once and for all.
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Re: Cold Turkey

Postby Jacob » Thu May 21, 2009 2:30 pm

Regarding the later addition of Qualities: a few points.

1) Starting characters are plastic. In this case, that means that you can try the game out, say "well, LE is awesome, but I can't hack the physical rigors of being an Academic. I needs me a gun," and redesign your character into a hunter or some such. Specifically: you are allowed to rewrite your character after your first event.

2) Subsequent manipulation of Qualities is more difficult. Racial advantages can be taken later without too much trouble--in my mind this would represent a character "embracing their roots" in one way or another, or possibly simply maturing or some such. Generic Qualities are much more difficult to come by after character creation. While it is theoretically possible, it would require significant roleplaying and in-game action in addition to the CP cost if you were to take an Advantage (and some would be fairly well impossible), while Hindrances and Complications would require an odd orchestration between staff and PCs ("Could you guys host a poker game so I can lose a mind boggling sum of money and become Poor? Thanks."). Generally, Qualities represent inherent, societal, or long-honed abilities or circumstances. Wealthy, for example, represents access to truly staggering sums of money, and likely an estate and servants and such. Similarly, Test Subject is a stand in for a horrific set of circumstances conducted over quite some time. It is hypthetically possible to become independently wealthy over the course of the game, as it is possible to have horrible experiments performed on your character. Neither would be easy, though, and I would heartily advise taking such Qualities as part of the character creation process. Similar logic can be applied to changing the levels of Qualities.
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Re: Cold Turkey

Postby Sparrow Harper » Thu May 21, 2009 2:43 pm

thank you for the clarification on that point


Sparrow Harper
Joined: Mon May 11, 2009 4:46 pm

Re: Cold Turkey

Postby Morganstern » Thu May 21, 2009 3:36 pm

Understood. Thanks!

Nicholai Mikhailovich Petryov
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