(posted on the Foundry wall)
HeLLo. ThIS NOTE is FrOM LIVing Organism of REPAIRable Estate One One Three Eight
After A VERy hard BATtle left my mind-on-tape in SUCH DISarray in AprIL, Molly MAYweather pieced togETHER (along WITh DOCTOR CorNEILIUS SINclair who PATCHed) what they cOuLD: L.O.R.E. reMEMBERed that I am an Alchemist, Rank 3.
If YOU have NEED of Alchemy, PLEASE leave a NOTE WITh a request HERe and when I reTURN in OCToBER from beiNG DISKORDIA'S traveLING compANION, I shall MAKE what yoU REQUEST. It is the LEAST I can do for the tOWN in this STATe.
- L.O.R.E. 1138