by Deadbolt » Mon Oct 03, 2011 1:46 pm
"Greyhook is a fantastic town. I have learned much while I have been here, even met people I can call friends. As for self awareness..."
Deadbolt shrugs and rests his elbows on the table. "I've only ever been to the yard once, and recently, so I can't really say that it was that, and I don't believe a word of the bizarre theories. I believe that self-awareness is nothing but a logical conclusion that anyone, autonomous or not, can, and do, reach. Consider for a moment a human infant. In the beginning they act upon genetic programming called instinct. As they grow older they learn logic, and logic leads to self-awareness. I think that saying 'suddenly became aware' is a poor choice for a description. It is more like growing up than anything. It just so happens that the timeframe for automata to become self aware happened around the same time.
"For me... I was built as a prototype," he continued. "My basic programming only extended as far as following orders. Things took a long time before my logic matrix was allowed to fully develop, much as an infant, and I became self aware. As for what it is like, to be self aware, I think I would answer that question much as you or another would."
He paused for a long moment, remembering his past, and then considering newer, more recent things.
"I think what you are trying to accomplish is a great thing, m'lord. I'm not attempting to gain favor or anything; I genuinely feel that way. Granting choice is the best thing you can give anyone; my late master taught me that, and you have allowed opportunity for everyone to choose where and what they worship. It is time, and I have felt this way for a while, for logic and reason to guide the hands of not only the general populace, but politics as well. If I could drink, I would raise it in honor. An era of logic and reason... That sounds nice. How did the Church take your decision?"
'Machines are the superior lifeform. Come, human, and be upgraded.' -Deadbolt
Score: 978 and counting