Hour of Sleep/Dream-weaving

Hour of Sleep/Dream-weaving

Postby littlebluefae » Thu Dec 08, 2011 6:05 pm

In Howard's Tap, the gently re-built L.O.R.E. 1139 closes a book and lets out a soft steam-whistle sigh. Knowing she was going to be here for a good long while, and had no need for sleep herself, she watched the comings and goings of the people of Greyhook for a couple of evenings before asking the first people that sat down for tea and vodka at her table:

"Excuse me, but does anyone know anything about The Hour of Sleep, or of Dream-weaving? I have been attempting to research it for a good long while, but as I do not dream myself, I believe I have reached an impasse on how far I can go. Any stories, theories, books, or ideas would help."
L.O.R.E. (Living Organism of Repairable Estate) 1139
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Re: Hour of Sleep/Dream-weaving

Postby Deadbolt » Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:15 pm

Deadbolt heard L.O.R.E. as he passed by the table, and approached. "I don't know much but I believe I've inferred from what Yaach the goul has said is that the Hour of Sleep is a reflection of the real world compiled of the collective of dreams from people. You will probably want to talk to Taz, I believe she might know somethings, and perhaps Dmitri as well."
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Re: Hour of Sleep/Dream-weaving

Postby littlebluefae » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:09 pm

L.O.R.E. has the shutters on the eyes close and open once. "What is a goul? Or did you mean ghoul? In either case, what is one? And I know of Taz, but I... do not recall a Dmitri?"
L.O.R.E. (Living Organism of Repairable Estate) 1139
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Re: Hour of Sleep/Dream-weaving

Postby Miss Peri West » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:14 pm

Miss West is seated on a nearby couch with her omnipresent knitting. As L.O.R.E. starts to speak, she looks up momentarily and then starts looking through her bag. It is clearly taking her some time to find what she wants, but by the time both L.O.R.E and Deadbolt have finished talking, she seems to have done so. Letting out a soft cry of victory, she pulls a piece of paper out of the bag. She then gets up and walks over to L.O.R.E.'s table.

"Miss L.O.R.E., I'm not sure if this information will be redundant, but I did some small amount of research a while back that may be relevant. You are welcome to it; I hope it proves useful."

She hands L.O.R.E. a paper with the following written upon it:

"Nullus est liber tam malus ut non aliqua parte prosit."
--Pliny the Younger
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Re: Hour of Sleep/Dream-weaving

Postby Dr.Elden » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:10 am

Dr.Elden sturs from the gloomy corner where he had last stopped, his head tilting slightly as he overhears the conversation.

Steepling his fingers in thought he muses softly, "A collective based on the subconcious of organic beings? Interesting. The paralells this draws to our Node is worth pondering."

He steps from the shadow with the silent, eery grace that only a static automaton can, going from absolute stillness to motion in a meer instant. He closes the distance to the trio and nods to them, "Good evening Miss West. Sister L.O.R.E., Brother Deadbolt, I trust you are both well. I could not help but overhear your conversation. May I?" he asks, gesturing at the document.
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Re: Hour of Sleep/Dream-weaving

Postby Miss Peri West » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:13 pm

With a smile, Peri gestures to the paper containing her notes, "Please, Dr. Tyrel, feel free. Also, if you don't mind I would like to hear more about this Node to which you refer."
"Nullus est liber tam malus ut non aliqua parte prosit."
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Re: Hour of Sleep/Dream-weaving

Postby Raven » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:35 pm

*she wanders over from a nearby bench she had been precariously perched on, her eyes glow as she glances over the papers passed around and she smiles to L.O.R.E*

Dreams… dream-weaving…. Such pretty names… words. Mmm.

*she slowly sits as if unsure or uncertain near to those holding the conversation, constantly glancing towards the doors of the warm tavern*
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Re: Hour of Sleep/Dream-weaving

Postby Dr.Elden » Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:09 am

Elden nods affectionately to Raven as she sits. "Ahh, Lady Raven. I hope you are well?"

He looks into the distance for a moment, gathering his thoughts before he answers Miss West.
"The Node is... difficult to describe to someone who has never experienced it, for it is unlike anything else I've experienced. Indeed finding parallels is difficult. It is as much a tangible place as it is a state of mind, almost universally accessable by those who have accepted their place in The Great Work. It seems to be a communications network, much akin to a telegraph but instead it is without physical form. We have not, as yet, explored just how far the Node reaches, but it easily covers Greyhook and it's surrounding environs. We have theorized that the Node is limitless in range, being integral to The Great Machine, much like a central nervous system is to an organic being."
Dr. Elden Tyrel
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Re: Hour of Sleep/Dream-weaving

Postby Miss Peri West » Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:03 pm

Peri smiles warmly at Raven and pats the seat next to her in invitation. She then turns back to Tyrel and her expression shifts to one of focused interest.

"How fascinating, Dr. Tyrel. I had heard you and others speak of the Node before, but I confess that I clearly underestimated what it was. Can you tell me more of this Great Work and Great Machine?"
"Nullus est liber tam malus ut non aliqua parte prosit."
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Re: Hour of Sleep/Dream-weaving

Postby littlebluefae » Fri Dec 16, 2011 2:41 pm

L.O.R.E. reads over what is given, and listens to the talk that happens, but as Miss West asks about the Great Machine, she also pipes up:

"I do not know if this part of conversation might also be able to cover going into the dreams of someone else? Say a citizen of Greyhook?"
L.O.R.E. (Living Organism of Repairable Estate) 1139
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